♥ sayaainaashikin ♥

The Disclaimer

Bonjour! I'm the big boss here. So please be nice :)

Hye,my name is Aina Ashikin.Just call me Aina.From Penang,Malaysia,Knows English,Arab.School at SM Sains Sultan Mohamad Jiwa.Likes blogging.

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Words spirit

✖There's is nothing impossible in life.Remember how suffer you are through this life with your family,so prove it to everyone that you can do it.I loves everyone who nice to me✖

Rindu you sesangat larh

lama rasanya tak menulis ...rindu giler tahap dkat blog aku nie ha..."maklum larh budax sbp la ka katakan 24 hours buzy dekat omwork + sports ja...
tension giler result aku test awal tahun nie...almost aku dapat 9B....orang len pakat kumpul A+....aku sorang ja yg dok lekat dekat B...sob...sob....sob...

hurm...actually kali nie aku tengah tulis entry nie tyme prep ptg...hahaha....jahat kowt...bdak2 len prep petang study aku plak prep petang on9...
style sangat kowt...
OH MY GOD....mnggu nie ada kesuma dkat skolah....bila alarh aku bole rest agknya kan...bnyak giler akticiti aku taon nie...jadual aku mampat dan padat kowt...
somebody help me please do my homework and i will pay you an ice-cream from koperasi skolah...
hahaha....ok larh...sampai sini saja yg sempat aku coretkan rintihan aku...huhuhu
gonna to go now....daaa.....going to play handball...
bye blog tercintaku....i'm gonna to miss you dear....